IN TRANSITION | Presentations
Sharing Native Knowledge
Museums Alaska 2021 – Unlearning Museum “Best” Practices to Build Community
Terms of access: refusal, return, repair
The Refusal Conference – Berkeley School of Information
A Gift from the Ancestors: Traditional Knowledge and the Decolonization of Libraries
Keynote Address - University of Guelph Digital Humanities Institute
Return, Reuse, Respect: Collaborative Curation in Museums and Archives
Invited speaker - Recovering Voices Speaker series, National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution
Bringing the Ancestors Home
Invited speaker - Ancestral Voices symposium, American Folklife Center, Library of Congress
Archival Futures: the Ethics of Access
Invited plenary speaker - Legal and Ethical Issues in Digital Archiving, UCLA, Los Angeles CA
Design for Diversity: Communities and Collaboration
Invited keynote speaker - Design for Diversity workshop, Northeastern University, Boston, MA
The Trouble With Access
Keynote - Access 2017, Saskatoon, SK, CA
We Have Never Been Neutral: Search, Discovery, and the Politics of Access
Distinguished Seminar Series at OCLC
Mukurtu CMS: an Introduction
Presentation - Australian Institute of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Studies, Canberra, Australia
Plenary talk - NEH Play/Back Symposium, Washington, DC
Press Pause: Slowing Down Digital Humanities Practices
Keynote - Institute for Digital Research in the Humanities Conference: University of Kansas IDHR, Lawrence, KS, 2015
Community Curation
Keynote - Rare Books and Manuscripts Conference, UC Berkeley
The Ethics of Aesthetics
Presentation - Art of Archives Symposium, UC Davis
Sustainable Heritage Network
Presentation - Society of American Archivists, Washington, DC
On Not Looking: Ethics and Access in the Digital Humanities
MITH Digital Dialogues, University of Maryland, MD
Relationships not Records
Conference Keynote - Northwest Archivists and Canadian Archivist Conference, Vancouver BC
Traditional Knowledge License and Labels
Presentation - IPinCH, Simon Fraser University, Vancouver, BC
Digital Return
Keynote - International Federation of Library Associations, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC
Openness and Ownership “Do we really own our digital content and devices?”
BBC’s Digital Planet interview: Openness and Ownership. February 22, 2011