Check out the Pedagogy Project

Just in time for our reading, discussions and your syllabus assignment on DH pedagogy, HASTAC launched the Pedagogy Project…check it out for ideas for your DTC 101 syllabus or your “real” courses!

Digital tools and poetry

New DH project out of Princeton, check it out! “The field of digital humanities has evolved rapidly and there are a lot of different opinions about what the term means,” said Clifford Wulfman, digital initiatives coordinator at the Princeton University...

books / readings of interest…

from my Digital Cultures | Digital Divides grad seminar Martin Lister ed. 2009. New Media: a Critical Introduction Armand Mttelart. 2000. Networking the World, 1794-2000 Mark Poster. 2006. Information Please: Culture and Politics in the Age of Digital Machines Joe...

Updates: readings and blog post

Quick clarification: No extra reading this week, focus on sections 3 & 6 from the  Debates in the DH text. For blog post assignment #3 due this Friday, by “this week’d readings” I meant readings from sections 1 & 2 from the DH reader–as...